Monday, January 12, 2015

Memorable Visit to Ottawa

The Jesuit Scholastics led a special prayer service “TaizĂ© Chant” on the feast of St John Berchmans on November 26 for the staff and students of Regis College. On December 3, the feast day of St Francis Xavier, the Regis College Community arranged a table fellowship for neighbours and well- wishers. After the semester exams from Dec 9-15, all the scholastics went to different places for Christmas.  I went to Ottawa for a few days to stay with the Jesuits. During this period I visited Sr Sheila, RSCJ, the niece of the Late Fr John Prendergast.  She was able to show me around the city a bit, and introduce me to her family, the parish to which she belongs, and to those with whom she works in her ministry with trafficked persons. She also gave me a tour of Saint Paul University where she is presently completing her doctorate in theology. It was very enjoyable for both of us to reconnect. I particularly liked meeting her brother, sister-in-law and family.

Parliament Hill, Ottawa
Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa